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KIET | Kakinada Institute of Engineering and Technology
Welcome to KIET,

Kakinada Institute of Engineering and Technology well known by its acronym "KIET" has been established in the year 2001. As it is established by young people, there is always an elemental youthfulness and vibrancy in campus. Our· primary focus is on developing the Spirit of entrepreneurship in the students comunity.·· In the coming decade, our Country demographically will be the youngest Nation with a large chunck of its population being in the age group of 20 and 30 years. Catering to this potent productive force, India needs a thriving productive economy.Its our endeavour to support our nation by training our youth to become job providers but not seekers. With the support of students and parents Kiet has grown enormously
The promoting body Cherishes a vision where all the students who enter the portals of this institution. promoted by KITS would evolve into complete individuals who not only are independent but also who are motivated to assist their neighbours in becoming independent.

That economic and academic backwardness should not be an obstacle to avail the opportunities of life chances available in the society. That every individual should be helped and assisted in growing up to his fullest potential through learning and higher education.

"The Right Vision,…" is the motto of the promoting body

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